Who Should Join The IABSC?
If you are an Airline, Airport, Architect, Construction Manager, Airport Supplier, Operations & Maintenance Managers, Baggage Handling Consultant or Baggage Handling Contractor, becoming a member of the IABSC is an essential component in staying connected to the dynamic world of baggage handling in today’s airports.
Be a representative in the shared voice of industry knowledge by participating in IABSC’s technical committees and contributing to industry articles, guidelines, and best practices.

Five Key Benefits of Membership
The IABSC has become the technical and networking hub for the Baggage Handling industry! Members and guest presenters discuss the ‘nuts & bolts’ as well as the ‘brains’ behind complex baggage systems. You will learn Best Practices to be followed to provide functional, reliable, flexible and cost-effective baggage systems that provide the best solution for each individual customer. One solution does NOT fit all!
Learn about new products and technologies, meet the industry’s best and brightest and learn about industry trends in the international aviation marketplace.
Discover New BHS Technologies
Discover world-class technologies used in International Airports and how they will affect baggage handling processes.
Understand Total Cost of Ownership
Selection of a baggage handling system is often dependent on the cost-benefit of the proposed system. Learn how to compute the total cost of ownership when selecting a vendor.
Receive TSA and Congressional Updates
Membership provides an opportunity for the TSA to share vital information on current and future security programs, spending plans, projects and emerging technologies. The IABSC's close relationship with the Joint Working Group provides a venue for participating in the latest PGDS.
Understanding how BHS Technology affects Building Design
Building design is greatly affected by the BHS technology selected. Recognize how BHS rights-of-way and technology selection drives the building structure.
Networking Opportunities
Network with colleagues from the aviation industry to share ideas at monthly IABSC meetings and the Annual Summit. Discover upcoming business opportunities and airport developments. Educate and showcase your expertise about your product developments. Join Committees and interact directly with the TSA and Airports/Airlines on current issues facing the aviation industry. The IABSC website provides listings of company specialties, contact information and links to members' home pages. The web site includes a growing document library of Best Practices, Presentations and links to related sites.

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