Congratulations to Martin Plazyk for submitting the winning solution to our 2019 Young Professionals challenge!
We challenged our young professionals to come up with a solution to this problem:
Airline travel is expected to double in the next 20 years in the US. With aging infrastructure and limited capital budgets, accommodating this growth cannot be as simple as doubling the size of current US Airports due to limited time and resources. Additionally, as infrastructure gets larger and more spread out, customer levels of service can suffer. What processes, technology, or other tools/resources would you use to accommodate this growth in passengers and baggage at the same or better level of customer service in roughly the same footprint that Airports occupy now?
We had 6 YP teams submit their solution which were judged on Originality / Market Potential / User Experience / Effectiveness / Efficiency. At our July 11th meeting the winner was announced and awarded the $5,000 prize.
Please enjoy Martin’s winning solution:
Keep a lookout for information about our 2020 Young Professionals Challenge…. coming soon!