Regaining Altitude: Managing the Metrics (KPIs)
March 11th- IABSC Virtual Meeting

Regaining Altitude: Managing the Metrics (KPIs)
We want to thank all Member and Guest attendees and a special thanks to all our speakers. We reviewed Government Funding Programs for Airports and Airlines, current BHS KPIs, and global COVID metrics to date. This meeting serves as a prelude and syllabus for the scheduled meetings throughout the year.
Opening Remarks: Gaylloyd Dadyala – IABSC Chair- Director Systems Engineering North America, Vanderlande Industries
2020 Meeting Calendar, Survey of meeting attendees for on-site meeting in August – 80% say Yes

Terry Gallagher – Director of Sales- CLX Engineering- Board Director of IABSC- Government Committee
IABSC Government Funding and Appropriation Budget for Airports, Airlines, TSA, plus US Vaccination Coverage Update. Review how we can all work with our local representatives and airports for proactive measures to fund capital and operational improvements. Please let me know if you want any information on the government funding sites.
What is forecasted for a summer recovery? Leisure travel – vaccinations are increasing in U.S., stimulus package, vacation season, and reduced COVID restrictions in many states.
Andy Mena – Project Manager, Ross & Baruzzini | CAGE Inc. – Chair of IABSC Government Relations Committee
Andy reviewed the PGDS 7 Updates and the workings of and scheduling of the TSA Industry Work Group. The IABSC continues to focus on our Bylaws stated purpose – the Government Relations Committee will review opportunities to meet with government officials, including U.S. representatives. Andy will continue to provide updates on the PGDS and other TSA initiatives.

As TSA budgets continue to shift more to cybersecurity, there will be increased discussion and technologies presented in the Industry Working Group. Will BHS Designers including Cyber specifications in the BHS Project Specs? (Great question for our November IABSC Meeting on Cybersecurity).

Mike Conner – President, JSM Airport Services – IABSC Director and Secretary/Treasurer
As a preview for the September IABSC meeting on BHSC O&Ms – Mike reviewed key data points and metrics and discussed how these are used to evaluate O&M performance, provided key KPIs, and an overview of the health and status of the BHS system. There are opportunities for “better” data with improved network systems in airports and the introduction of IoT, AR, and AI.
Congratulations, Leonardo, as the March – New Member Spotlight

Ravi Pratap Singh – Strategy & Business Development Manager, Leonardo
Ravi took the time to join us from Milan, Italy. He updated the members on the COVID and Travel situation in Europe and how the vaccinations are proceeding in the EU, India, and surrounding countries. England is far ahead in vaccinations, and leisure travel has already surged, while France, Germany, and Italy continue to lag in vaccinations and travel recovery. Ravi’s talk also focused on the aging BHS systems in the U.S. and the need to update systems and technologies. Ravi introduced and reviewed Leonardo’s cross-belt sortation technology.
Marlon Wijendra- Process Engineer, Vanderlande
ICS system and metrics in comparison with conventional BHS systems. From early bag storage through sortation, an ICS system provides more real-time data and the system’s ability to react to the data. This allows the ability to measure more metrics and assign more KPIs to improve operating efficiencies.

Mark Baker- Regional Inline BHS Manager, Southwest Airlines
Mark provided current insight for the airline perspective on the recovery from COVID, the forecast for travel, and some possible examples of how the industry will encourage the public to travel again. Mark agrees the first recovery segment will be U.S. leisure travel and sees the potential impact on BHS systems. The airlines understand the effects policy can have on the industry, from PFCs to additional fees such as seat preference and baggage fees.