Regaining Altitude: Future Projects
The April 8, 2021, IABSC monthly meeting marked a Member Spotlight and the presentations of four airports which have planned expansions of facilities, including baggage handling systems. We had a good turnout, with 84 attendees.

The meeting started with a Member Spotlight presentation by Automatic Systems, Inc., and was delivered by Phillip Nguyen and Thuy Kieu Hohn.
Mike Smekel from the Tucson International Airport outlined the study currently underway to construct a common CBIS for the TSA to screen baggage. Concept design is anticipated to be completed in the Summer/Fall of 2021 with OTA approval in FY 2022. VTC is the BHS Consultant of Record.
Blair Cox and John Lehman from JSM Airport Services delivered an update on the Asheville Regional Airport. The new design is expected to reach 100% by March 2022, with procurement in July 2022. The BHS project consists of new inbound and outbound systems with two new EDS machines for bag screening.

Larry Studdiford from Studdiford Technical Services presented baggage handling upgrades planned for the DFW International airport. American Airlines is issuing a $130 million program to upgrade BHS systems throughout the terminals. There will be 60 distinct projects in 12 procurement packages ranging from $10,000 to $25 million. Bid packages are in the bidding process.
Tim Hudson from Gensler, Darwin Botero from Whiting Turner and Megumi Hice from VTC presented the system design for the Austin-Bergstrom International airport. The BHS, 30% design, is expected to be complete in August/September of 2021 and 100% design in April of 2022.